Battle School
The Battle School Video you are all waiting to see just one more time has come at last!
Yes, I just put it up on YouTube Tonight, and now it is on my Blog for you viewing pleasure. I hope you all enjoy watching it over and over.
In case you dont know. I put this video together to announce the start of the new theme I was doing with the Children's Sunday School. I Call it "Battle School". Basically, It is teaching the children of the church to become a part of the Army of God. I believe in radical, active Christianity. This world is dying. Every day, things get worse and worse. And you know what? It's our fault. In the beginning, God created for us a perfect world, and He put us in charge of it. So what did we do with it. We did the intelligent thing and handed it over to Satan. Good move on our part. Jesus came to set us free from that ownership. We belong to Him now. He died for us; all He asks is that we live for Him in return. Our mission is simple. Take back this world for the Kingdom of Heaven.
But Tim, that makes you just like the terrorists. Do you want to destroy other faiths and religions? Are you saying that you have declared war on anyone who doesn't believe like you do...?
2Cor 10:3-5
3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, 4 for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. 5 We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ,
This is not a physical war. It is a spiritual war. And I am not at war with any person. I am at war with the devil and the powers of darkness. I am at war with the attitudes and actions that cause this race to die and rot from the inside out. I need not tear down other religions or belief systems. I will simply life "In a Manner Worthy of the Calling in which I am Called". I will be a light, a city set on a hill that cannot be hidden. I will be the proof to the world of the reality and existence of God and the Work of Jesus Christ and the Power of the Holy Spirit. It is time Christianity stepped out of the shadows and did the same. Stop being some religion, some social club and do what Jesus called you to do. It is time to stop being passive. Quit kicking the Sinners out of church because you dont like being associated with them. The sinners, those who have spiritual and emotional and even physical problems and addictions belong at church, just as much as the sick belong at a hospital and fat people BELONG at the gym. [BTW, I BELONG at the gym, actually i just got back from there.]
Just watch this, I didnt make it for the children. I made it for the parents. The children are ready for this, They are the generation this is already fighting this battle whether they like it or not.
Watch this and tell others about it and the message is gives. Its time to change the world...
We're Taking Over the World
We're the Alien Youth
We're Gonna Change the World
We're the Alien Youth
"Earth Invasion"
One man, one mission
One plot to save the world
Reclaim all races
And embrace our destiny
Changing history when the colliding comes
Where will you run
Come with us if you want to live
Join us in the army that's arising
The truth invades your mind
Every day the Kingdom is advancing
The earth invasion has just begun
Without a sound, without fear
It attacks the heart and soul
To rule all life and display His government
Join us in the army that's arising
The truth invades your mind
Every day the Kingdom is advancing
The earth invasion has just begun
Join us in the army that's arising
The truth invades your mind
Every day the Kingdom is advancing
The earth invasion has just begun
The earth's frustration
To be whole again
We'll see a nation
Living without sin
The earth invasion
One man, one mission
One plot to save the world
Join us in the army that's arising
The truth invades your mind
Every day the Kingdom is advancing
The earth invasion has just begun
[ ]
Seek First, Walk Worthy, Remain Faithful...Even unto Death.
The Battle School Video you are all waiting to see just one more time has come at last!
Yes, I just put it up on YouTube Tonight, and now it is on my Blog for you viewing pleasure. I hope you all enjoy watching it over and over.
In case you dont know. I put this video together to announce the start of the new theme I was doing with the Children's Sunday School. I Call it "Battle School". Basically, It is teaching the children of the church to become a part of the Army of God. I believe in radical, active Christianity. This world is dying. Every day, things get worse and worse. And you know what? It's our fault. In the beginning, God created for us a perfect world, and He put us in charge of it. So what did we do with it. We did the intelligent thing and handed it over to Satan. Good move on our part. Jesus came to set us free from that ownership. We belong to Him now. He died for us; all He asks is that we live for Him in return. Our mission is simple. Take back this world for the Kingdom of Heaven.
But Tim, that makes you just like the terrorists. Do you want to destroy other faiths and religions? Are you saying that you have declared war on anyone who doesn't believe like you do...?
2Cor 10:3-5
3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, 4 for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. 5 We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ,
This is not a physical war. It is a spiritual war. And I am not at war with any person. I am at war with the devil and the powers of darkness. I am at war with the attitudes and actions that cause this race to die and rot from the inside out. I need not tear down other religions or belief systems. I will simply life "In a Manner Worthy of the Calling in which I am Called". I will be a light, a city set on a hill that cannot be hidden. I will be the proof to the world of the reality and existence of God and the Work of Jesus Christ and the Power of the Holy Spirit. It is time Christianity stepped out of the shadows and did the same. Stop being some religion, some social club and do what Jesus called you to do. It is time to stop being passive. Quit kicking the Sinners out of church because you dont like being associated with them. The sinners, those who have spiritual and emotional and even physical problems and addictions belong at church, just as much as the sick belong at a hospital and fat people BELONG at the gym. [BTW, I BELONG at the gym, actually i just got back from there.]
Just watch this, I didnt make it for the children. I made it for the parents. The children are ready for this, They are the generation this is already fighting this battle whether they like it or not.
Watch this and tell others about it and the message is gives. Its time to change the world...
We're Taking Over the World
We're the Alien Youth
We're Gonna Change the World
We're the Alien Youth
"Earth Invasion"
One man, one mission
One plot to save the world
Reclaim all races
And embrace our destiny
Changing history when the colliding comes
Where will you run
Come with us if you want to live
Join us in the army that's arising
The truth invades your mind
Every day the Kingdom is advancing
The earth invasion has just begun
Without a sound, without fear
It attacks the heart and soul
To rule all life and display His government
Join us in the army that's arising
The truth invades your mind
Every day the Kingdom is advancing
The earth invasion has just begun
Join us in the army that's arising
The truth invades your mind
Every day the Kingdom is advancing
The earth invasion has just begun
The earth's frustration
To be whole again
We'll see a nation
Living without sin
The earth invasion
One man, one mission
One plot to save the world
Join us in the army that's arising
The truth invades your mind
Every day the Kingdom is advancing
The earth invasion has just begun
[ ]
Seek First, Walk Worthy, Remain Faithful...Even unto Death.