Sunday, June 18, 2006

News from My Verse

Story #1:

The First thing you all should know is that I was given a shout out from Tee Morris, Author of Podcasting for Dummies and Morevi: The Chronicles of Rafe and Askana, on his podcast, The Survival Guide to Writing Fantasy.

It came about because I entered an art contest for his podcast to design a new logo and come up with a new tag line. Before you get all antsy, no I did not win. Which is strange because I was the only one that entered. But I understand why he didnt use it. Without anything else to compare it against, it wouldnt really say anything about my victory. I would have won out of default. I wouldn't have wanted that, and honestly I didnt think my design was better than his current one.

I don't really need to promote Tee, being the emperor of all self-promotion...or at least the arch-duke, [I think Mister Mack Jangin...sorry Jack Mangin, author of Sperical Tomi, would out rank him.] I'm going to do it anyway.
Go see Tee Morris HERE

And Here are my pictures that I entered...

First Try, With my first Lame tag line

Second Try, With a Better Tag Line

Just The Logo

The Logo With Inverted colors

Story #2:

This Last Weekend, I became a Certified Belief Therapist. I took a Three Day 12 hour day class, that taught me a whole load of junk about therapy and counseling. So Now I can charge and I actually know what I am doing when I counsel. So If you are looking for some therapy and you don't want all that psycho-bable, I am more than happy to help.

Story #3:

I have begun writing on my novel that I have been putting off for about ...hmm...ever! Keep checking this blog and look on the right side bar to see my progress. It is slow going, but I hope to work on it when ever I can. If you see me online [My AIM SN is "Major Aeron"], ask me how things are going.

Story #4:

I have started scripting the podcast that I hope to start up this year. It is a radio play. Sort of MST3K mixed with H2G2. After I get the first 5 episodes written then we will start production. I am still trying to learn all of this podcasting stuff. I know how it works, but getting the right programs is difficult. I don't really like Audacity, and I am thinking I might just go ahead and buy a Mac to put all of this stuff on, because my laptop is quickly running out of room on my hard drive.

If anyone has any experience or just skill at audio production, I would love to here from you. I will also need help in creating graphics for the blog that will get put up for it. I am currently trying to work with Macromedia Flash to come up with a shot of all of my characters, [originally this was going to be a flash animation show.] but I could use some expertise. I am a good artist on paper, the computer is a bit different. I have a small group of people helping me, [we call ourselves Guerrilla Productions or Guerrilla Media, I haven't decided which] but if you want to help email me at AeronA01 [at] gmail [dot] com.

Stay shiny everyone,



Friday, June 09, 2006


It seems such a cruel way to deal with a sick animal...

Doesn't it seem that way; I mean it's what we do to criminals. But what else are we supposed to do, Let him suffer? As much as it hurts me to know that Shadow died today, as much as my heart is broken and I am torn apart inside, It would have been much worse to seen him disintegrate into nothing. To see him in pain would have magnified my own. It is good that I didnt get a chance to see him get really really sick. Those aren't the type of memories I want to have.

I am glad that I got to spend his last two days on this earth playing with him and spending time with him. I took him for a long walk thursday night. I let him run and smell anything and everything he wanted. I played with him, gave him as many treats as he wanted and rubbed his belly and scratched behind his eyes until he got tired of it. We wrestled and played with his bones and I talked to him as he just looked at me. I stayed up late past midnight just so I could lay down next to him as he fell asleep in his bed that I had brought into my room from the kitchen. We had moved it out of my room in the first place because he couldnt control his bodily functions, but at that moment I didnt care. I wanted him to be with me his last night. Needless to say, he didnt sleep in his bed that night. He slept at the side of my bed just like he always has.

Today when I went to work and it turned 845, I broke. I tears flowed and I couldnt stop them. Then the phone rang at my job and I had to shove all of my emotions back inside. I almost didnt come home tonight. I didnt want to face the fact that he wouldnt be there to greet my like he always did, waiting at the front door for me to come home, sniffing my legs to see where I had been.

I cant imagine how my parents are feeling. They took him to the Vets. They were with him when he went. They stayed by his side. I couldnt have done that. I'm not that strong. When they left to go to the friday night coffee shop thing at our church, I finally was able to let more of it out. I feel like it would be wrong to let it all out. I need to mourn. I need to take my time. When I cry, it feel like I cant breathe and it feels as if a cacophony is stirring just below the surface. There is a release I just cant get past. Maybe I should yell. I think that might let it out. To go out in the middle of the woods and scream for a while and maybe knock a few trees down.

I have decided to keep his bed in my room, at least for a while. Those of you who know a thing or two about therapy would tell me that that isnt good for me. That it is some sort of act of non-acceptance. Well, guess what, It is...So deal with it. I'm keeping his collar harness and even his bones. Shadow was one of my closest friends. He was a part of our family, and I will do my best to remember the good times and the great memories we made together. A few times today I thought I heard his collar jingling. That probably will still happen years from now. I still smell him in the house. It will probably grow fainter by the day, but God gifted me with a very sensative nose. I should still be able to smell him for a long time to come.

Farwell my friend, You were the best Bat-Dog a guy could have. You watched over me and my family at night and you listened to me when no one else did. You never argued with me and all you ever asked of me was that I love you. I hope I gave you a good life. They say all dogs go to heaven...I'll see you there, buddy. The Shadow has stepped into the light and is no more, but a memory. But a good memory and a lasting memory.

Treasure Every Moment You Have, Because Before You Know It, That Moment Passes. Live Without Regret, Don't Waste Time In Doing The Things You Know You Ought To Be Doing. Do It Now, Live Now. Joy Can Be Found, All That Is Required Is That You Look For It.

Seek Him While He May Be Found.

Xei-xei, Thank you for your prayers,

Si-jin, Stay Shiny,


Thursday, June 08, 2006

Sad News

Hi Everyone,

I usually try to keep this blog on the light side of things, with plenty of humor and try to keep a positive attitude on things.

But this post promises to be anything but humorous and positive. Tomorrow, at 8:45, my parents will be taking my dog, Shadow, to the Vet's to put him to sleep. I have had this dog for close to 8 years now. We took him in as an obviously abused stray dog who had one day shown up at a friend's house. We have had at least 4 other dogs in our time, but Shadow has been the best that we have ever had. He has been a very docile and playful dog all his life.

I realize I haven't yet told you WHY we are putting him down. Simply, He has cancer, the fastest growing cancer there is. It is in his nose in an inopperable location. We could either do what we are doing or we could pay 17,000 dollars for Chemotherapy that would prolong his life for a month. The Vet says that as it stands now he has at most 3 months, and it will be only a liberal 2 weeks until his personality changes, he goes blind, and a whole host of other problems. So we decided that before he goes into to much pain, [he is already lossing some of his coordination and he seems to be getting mor confused about his surroundings] we would put him down.

I can't explain to you how much this hurts. I have cried myself to sleep more than a few times, and I know that doesn't sound to manly but give me a break, I'm losing a member of my family here. I don't know how I am supposed to deal with all of this. He has slept in my room for the entire time that we've had him and we have gronw very close. I don't want to lose my dog, and I don't want to see him in pain.

If you pray, I ask that you pray for me. Pray for strength, pray for comfort.

Thank you.


Thursday, June 01, 2006

Shiny Breakfast

You know what I realized recently. Every Morning, I wake up and have myself a green tea or a milk and a delicious Fruity Oaty Bar. Unfortunately, I dont become a crazy ninja person and beat the snot out of everyone around me...

oh well...this will just have to do...


Stay shiny


I had to disable this video because it was getting kind of aggrivating to have it play every time you loaded up the page. If you want to see it or put it on your website let me know and I will give you the code. Until this this will remain broken.