News from My Verse
Story #1:
The First thing you all should know is that I was given a shout out from Tee Morris, Author of Podcasting for Dummies and Morevi: The Chronicles of Rafe and Askana, on his podcast, The Survival Guide to Writing Fantasy.
It came about because I entered an art contest for his podcast to design a new logo and come up with a new tag line. Before you get all antsy, no I did not win. Which is strange because I was the only one that entered. But I understand why he didnt use it. Without anything else to compare it against, it wouldnt really say anything about my victory. I would have won out of default. I wouldn't have wanted that, and honestly I didnt think my design was better than his current one.
I don't really need to promote Tee, being the emperor of all self-promotion...or at least the arch-duke, [I think Mister Mack Jangin...sorry Jack Mangin, author of Sperical Tomi, would out rank him.] I'm going to do it anyway.
Go see Tee Morris HERE
And Here are my pictures that I entered...

First Try, With my first Lame tag line

Second Try, With a Better Tag Line

Just The Logo

The Logo With Inverted colors
Story #2:
This Last Weekend, I became a Certified Belief Therapist. I took a Three Day 12 hour day class, that taught me a whole load of junk about therapy and counseling. So Now I can charge and I actually know what I am doing when I counsel. So If you are looking for some therapy and you don't want all that psycho-bable, I am more than happy to help.
Story #3:
I have begun writing on my novel that I have been putting off for about ...hmm...ever! Keep checking this blog and look on the right side bar to see my progress. It is slow going, but I hope to work on it when ever I can. If you see me online [My AIM SN is "Major Aeron"], ask me how things are going.
Story #4:
I have started scripting the podcast that I hope to start up this year. It is a radio play. Sort of MST3K mixed with H2G2. After I get the first 5 episodes written then we will start production. I am still trying to learn all of this podcasting stuff. I know how it works, but getting the right programs is difficult. I don't really like Audacity, and I am thinking I might just go ahead and buy a Mac to put all of this stuff on, because my laptop is quickly running out of room on my hard drive.
If anyone has any experience or just skill at audio production, I would love to here from you. I will also need help in creating graphics for the blog that will get put up for it. I am currently trying to work with Macromedia Flash to come up with a shot of all of my characters, [originally this was going to be a flash animation show.] but I could use some expertise. I am a good artist on paper, the computer is a bit different. I have a small group of people helping me, [we call ourselves Guerrilla Productions or Guerrilla Media, I haven't decided which] but if you want to help email me at AeronA01 [at] gmail [dot] com.
Stay shiny everyone,
The First thing you all should know is that I was given a shout out from Tee Morris, Author of Podcasting for Dummies and Morevi: The Chronicles of Rafe and Askana, on his podcast, The Survival Guide to Writing Fantasy.
It came about because I entered an art contest for his podcast to design a new logo and come up with a new tag line. Before you get all antsy, no I did not win. Which is strange because I was the only one that entered. But I understand why he didnt use it. Without anything else to compare it against, it wouldnt really say anything about my victory. I would have won out of default. I wouldn't have wanted that, and honestly I didnt think my design was better than his current one.
I don't really need to promote Tee, being the emperor of all self-promotion...or at least the arch-duke, [I think Mister Mack Jangin...sorry Jack Mangin, author of Sperical Tomi, would out rank him.] I'm going to do it anyway.
Go see Tee Morris HERE
And Here are my pictures that I entered...

First Try, With my first Lame tag line

Second Try, With a Better Tag Line

Just The Logo

The Logo With Inverted colors
Story #2:
This Last Weekend, I became a Certified Belief Therapist. I took a Three Day 12 hour day class, that taught me a whole load of junk about therapy and counseling. So Now I can charge and I actually know what I am doing when I counsel. So If you are looking for some therapy and you don't want all that psycho-bable, I am more than happy to help.
Story #3:
I have begun writing on my novel that I have been putting off for about ...hmm...ever! Keep checking this blog and look on the right side bar to see my progress. It is slow going, but I hope to work on it when ever I can. If you see me online [My AIM SN is "Major Aeron"], ask me how things are going.
Story #4:
I have started scripting the podcast that I hope to start up this year. It is a radio play. Sort of MST3K mixed with H2G2. After I get the first 5 episodes written then we will start production. I am still trying to learn all of this podcasting stuff. I know how it works, but getting the right programs is difficult. I don't really like Audacity, and I am thinking I might just go ahead and buy a Mac to put all of this stuff on, because my laptop is quickly running out of room on my hard drive.
If anyone has any experience or just skill at audio production, I would love to here from you. I will also need help in creating graphics for the blog that will get put up for it. I am currently trying to work with Macromedia Flash to come up with a shot of all of my characters, [originally this was going to be a flash animation show.] but I could use some expertise. I am a good artist on paper, the computer is a bit different. I have a small group of people helping me, [we call ourselves Guerrilla Productions or Guerrilla Media, I haven't decided which] but if you want to help email me at AeronA01 [at] gmail [dot] com.
Stay shiny everyone,
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